COVID-19 Won the Presidential Election

One is hard-pressed to deny that Joe Biden is a weak, corruptpathologically lyingcreepy dirty old man who has lived off the government teat for 50 years. And he allegedly won the 2020 presidential election. Are Americans that ignorant? Or has Joseph Stalin’s political philosophy that has been simmering in America for years finally come to fruition? COVID was the not-so-secret agent.

The COVID pandemic was Nancy Pelosi’s stated reason for inserting blanket mail-in voting into a COVID financial relief package several months before the election. This method is a breeding ground for fraud. It is not absentee voting where the voter requests a ballot. With mail-in, a ballot is sent to anyone on the voter rolls—dead or alive. Magically, after all the ballots were mailed out, the CDC announced that people suffering from COVID could vote in person as long as they told the poll workers of their condition.

During his bloody 30-year career, Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) made two immediately pertinent points. First, “Political power does not rest with those who cast votes; political power rests with those who count votes.” 

The second point lays the foundation for the first: “The press is our Party’s sharpest and most powerful weapon.” The Left’s plans for fundamentally changing America were upended by three years of peace and prosperity. Enter the media collaborators. CNN has a permanent sidebar banner with global statistics with no context. There were never stories on recoveries or successful treatments, of which there are many inexpensive, home-based therapies. Many studies demonstrate positive results from the anti-inflammatory antiparasitics hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, fluvoxasmine (antidepressant), budesonide (inhaled steroid), vitamins D and C, quercetin, and zinc. 

Social media refused to post materials favorable to the President or unfavorable to his opponent. I presume we are supposed to be impressed by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testifying that he should not have censored news about Hunter Biden’s internationally sensitive business ventures. Too little, too late. But he knows that. He had a mission to complete: emulate Pravda, censor and manipulate speech, and sway the election. 

We knew this was coming. 60 years ago Nikita Khrushchev predicted of the United States, “your grandchildren will live under communism.” If we didn’t believe Stalin or Khrushchev, maybe we will believe Hollywood. Given the perpetual “2 weeks to flatten the curve” lockdown and the paucity of non-Pravda network news, 50-year-old television shows have become welcome substitutes. The 1967-68 series called The Invaders was premised on aliens from another planet descending upon Earth to “make it their world.” The aliens’ dialogue was eerily familiar to the current authoritarian COVID Great Reset social engineering blather. 

In The Ivy Curtain episode an alien “college” course instructed new alien arrivals that “fear is an emotion that dominates all human behavior.” The aliens would “use fear as a weapon, to twist anxiety into hate, suspicion into violence, cowardice into surrender.” COVID was the convenient vehicle to induce fear. Was The Invaders pure entertainment or allegory? 

On the technical side, 2019’s futuristic Terminator: Dark Fate  is prophetic. When Facebook, Google, Twitter, and big tech hyperbolically propagandizing the coronavirus – excuse me, Skynet’s machines began to overtake humans, the government told the people to hide and isolate for a while. Hiding became the “new normal” until one strong leader inspired humans to fight the machines.

The one-sided news presentation, the post-election fortuitous release of 2 vaccines and revelation of Biden’s lockdown plans, mayors and governors and congresspersons flagrantly attending and planning celebrationsmaskless, opened many eyes to the media’s manipulation. Some voters are feeling like someone who got drunk in Las Vegas and woke up in bed married to a stranger or in a bathtub of ice minus a kidney. Stalin has another thought for these folks: “Words are one thing – deeds something entirely different. Fine words are a mask to cover shady deeds.” Sounds a bit like Barack Obama. President Trump’s words did not do justice to his deeds. Everything was for Americans – more jobs, energy independence, improving national parks, medical choice for veterans, prison reform, advancing historically black colleges, opportunity zones in poor neighborhoods, and on and on.

By contrast, the compassionate Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez launched the Trump Accountability Project. The hit list included individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020, those who staffed his government, individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration, and those who funded him, and the millions of Americans who elected him. This hateful website silenced itself but the Stalinesque sentiment runs deep and is certain to resurface.

Off the Record with Dr. Adams: Wake Up!

I have been reluctant to write lately, for fear that my words would explode on the page.

We are witnessing the most colossal crime in the history of humanity on earth, the theft of Western Civilization. What we are seeing play out before us is not about an election; this is not about the Republicans or the Democrats.  This is not even about America, per se.  This is about freedom on earth for all mankind. 

A virus, one much more dangerous and insidious than any corona virus sent by China, has been creeping into our placid and friendly world one cell at a time for decades, creating subtle changes that happy, hardworking, family-loving people wouldn’t/didn’t notice. Because they’re not of the mindset to notice. They were too busy building lives. But the virus was hard at work. 

That virus is Communism. The infestation was subtle – subtle in the schools, subtle in the media, subtle in the government, so as not to perk up eyes and ears of the unsuspecting. But over time, if you take away a spoonful of mountain every day, eventually the mountain is gone. 

Now we face a truly existential drama. The corrupt and evil thieves of civilization as we know it have planted their land mines everywhere. Slowly and subtly—and they were on the verge of detonating them—changing everything we know and love permanently. But someone had been watching for a long time. Someone was awake and had been sounding the alarm for a long time.  That someone stood up.  He stood up and he shook us by the shoulders and he yelled in our faces “wake up, wake up, wake up!!” That person was Donald Trump.  

Yet, the virus had already taken hold. Its symptoms had already seeped in. Somnambulance being the major symptom, made people close their eyes and their ears and their minds to the sickness that was overtaking them.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!!” Some of us did. We came out of our slumber and started to shake our fists in the street. On November 3, 2020 a large dose of red medicine, in the form of many tens of millions of Trump voters, flooded the communism-infected land. They said NO to the disease of corruption and Karl Marx but the virus wouldn’t have any part of that. Its infestations started to erupt, the land mines started to detonate. 

As we see the mines explode, we hope that we have the will, the strength, the courage and the decency to fight with goodness and numbers on our side. Will we stand by and watch the most important fight ever fought? Or will we stand up and fight? 

Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!! The future of the entire world depends on it. 

Thinking Out Loud: Verbal Rubbish

An anti-Justice Amy Coney Barrett howled at Senator Lindsay Graham, “why would you put a racist on the Court”? It’s understandable that the protester would be upset that Justice Barrett’s personal moral code supports the sanctity of life. But a racist? This just shows how that word no longer has any meaning. It is like calling someone a boogerface or butthead. “Racist” has become a convenient, all-encompassing insult that is difficult to refute. I suppose in keeping with the infantile nature of the insult, one should reply, “I know I am but so are you.”

I’ll show you racism. In the woke do-gooders’ attempt to make black lives matter, they have deemed black folks as inferior and incapable. For example, San Diego schools will no longer count late work attendance or behavior when awarding grades. These “non-academic” factors are now considered racist. What happens when the student who “learns” in a system without discipline has to timely arrive or complete his assignments for his job? When his boss counsels him about his tardiness, will he have been conditioned to scream racism?

And how did President Trump become a Nazi and a racist? His daughter and her family are Jewish. And why would the Ellis Island Honor Society give a racist (alongside Mohammed Ali and Rosa Parks) an award that celebrates “patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity”? Because he is not a racist. But calling him one relieves the critic of developing a reasoned case abasing him.

Donald Trump has longstanding black friends and black executives in his business organization. As President, he has put forth programs that specifically benefit black Americans. He spearheaded the First Step Act, that included major criminal justice reforms that have reunited thousands of prison inmates with their families through release or reduced sentences. President Trump has increased the amounts of funding to historically black colleges (HCBUs) and supported work study programs in record time. The President’s economic programs have resulted in the highest black and Hispanic employment ever. And for those who think he is not empathetic to welfare: the best welfare program is a job.

Some racist, eh?

Off the Record with Dr. Adams: Faulty Outrage

So Cavalier!

Trump was cavalier, Trump threw caution to the wind, Trump didn’t respect “the science,” Trump caught Covid due to bad behavior, a culture in the white house of……blah, blah, blah. 

I guess CNN’s body builder in chief, Chris Cuomo caught it some other way. He was busy respecting the science but somehow that little virus found him anyway. Not his fault. And what about the 200,000 people who died from it, I guess they all were cavalier and didn’t respect the science, either. And I guess that the supposed 7,000,000 people who have tested positive were all badly behaved and disrespectful of “the science” and deserved what they got, too. Interesting that the only person on earth who caught the highly contagious bug by being cavalier was that awful orange bad man. Everyone else who caught it was righteous and decent. 

It’s funny but I do remember reading way back in May that New York Governor, and honorary physician, Andrew Cuomo mentioned that 66% of the people hospitalized in NY State with the Chinese virus were people who had been in quarantine for at least 2 weeks at home. Hmmm, ‘splain that, Ricky. 

That was really big, and totally ignored news. It basically states straight out that people can get this no matter how hard they try to hide from it. It clearly demonstrates that lockdowns don’t prevent infection. It suggests that we ought to come out from under our rocks and live our lives because hiding in the cave doesn’t confer immunity.  But that story didn’t work for the democrats. It didn’t make Donald Trump look bad so we are just going to ignore it. Orange man dismissive, orange man careless. That is pretty insulting to all the rest of the people who contracted the Wuhan virus, as did the President, through no fault of their own. And why are we always mad at him and blaming him? Where is the outrage against CHINA? They did this to us. He didn’t.  

More Red Tape Does Not Provide Better Health Care

The Affordable Care Act’s hundreds of pages of mandates and thousands of pages of regulations could not provide what we Americans want: more choice, lower costs, and better care. The premiums and deductibles continue to rise. Patients are finding fewer “in network” doctors, leading to surprise medical bills. 

While some were busy pontificating about how much they care about patients, the President was busy working to make our medical care great again. There was a time when there were hundreds of insurers offering a variety of individual health insurance plans tailored to an individual’s needs. Just as we do with the variety of products that we buy every day, we can use our purchasing power to compare costs and value. This includes using our tax-free health savings accounts to pay to day-to-day medical care out of pocket. 

Back in 2017, the President started the road to put patients in charge of their own money and medical care. After ensuring that the ACA’s mandate tax was repealed, his administration increased insurance options that cost up to 60 percent less that the lowest price ACA plans. The President launched a rule to broaden the availability of association health plans for small businesses which are projected to cover up to 400,000 previously uninsured individuals for on average 30 percent less cost. He expanded health reimbursement arrangements that allow consumers to use tax-free dollars to pay for some medical costs. 

The President signed a law banning “gag clauses” that prevented pharmacists from telling customers when it would cost less to directly purchase a medication, rather than through their health insurance. He continues to make rules to lower prescription drug prices in federal programs.

Speaking of caring about real patients, the President expanded choice to our veterans by allowing them to seek care from private physicians. And after many years of work by advocates, the President signed the Right to Try Act so critically ill patients could have access to life-saving treatment. The President’s latest executive order promises that he will not sign any law that does not cover patients with pre-existing conditions.

Medical care is one of the most personal aspects of our lives. A government bureaucracy by its very nature is one size fits all—or more realistically, one size fits none. The ACA has shown us that more government control is not the answer. It’s time for the President’s plan rooted in patient control. 

Thinking Out Loud

Of Covid and Callousness
A scan through Facebook and Twitter is enough to make you lose all hope in mankind. President Trump is clearly the exception to the social media giants’ claim that they block messages wishing death or great bodily harm upon people. The social media subhumans are so proud of their vile wishes that they put them on the internet for the world to see under their own names. Some have declared that the President deserves to be ill. Others — with seemingly straight faces — insist that the President and all the personnel at Walter Reed Hospital are lying, that this man who wears his toughness as a badge of honor is pretending to be a victim of the virus. They posit that the COVID-19 diagnosis is a ruse to avoid engaging in a debate with an empty shell of a man with vacant eyes.

The political vultures are prematurely feasting on the carcass-to-be. They are well within their rights: after all, he asked for this.

A friend of mine told me that years ago, sickness or deformity was deemed to be a sin or a sign of God’s disfavor. Of course now (until the President’s illness) we don’t express such beliefs in polite company. As my friend put it, the virus isn’t selective or a punishment by the Almighty. The virus is highly contagious and people who must meet the public will probably get sick, mask or no mask. This includes heads of state as well as the working poor whose livelihoods depend on contact with living human beings. As my friend noted, “just because some of us are ‘safe in our Alabaster Chambers, untouched by Morn, untouched by Noon’* doesn’t make us smarter or better, just lucky.”

*Borrowed from Emily Dickinson.