COVID-19 Won the Presidential Election

One is hard-pressed to deny that Joe Biden is a weak, corruptpathologically lyingcreepy dirty old man who has lived off the government teat for 50 years. And he allegedly won the 2020 presidential election. Are Americans that ignorant? Or has Joseph Stalin’s political philosophy that has been simmering in America for years finally come to fruition? COVID was the not-so-secret agent.

The COVID pandemic was Nancy Pelosi’s stated reason for inserting blanket mail-in voting into a COVID financial relief package several months before the election. This method is a breeding ground for fraud. It is not absentee voting where the voter requests a ballot. With mail-in, a ballot is sent to anyone on the voter rolls—dead or alive. Magically, after all the ballots were mailed out, the CDC announced that people suffering from COVID could vote in person as long as they told the poll workers of their condition.

During his bloody 30-year career, Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) made two immediately pertinent points. First, “Political power does not rest with those who cast votes; political power rests with those who count votes.” 

The second point lays the foundation for the first: “The press is our Party’s sharpest and most powerful weapon.” The Left’s plans for fundamentally changing America were upended by three years of peace and prosperity. Enter the media collaborators. CNN has a permanent sidebar banner with global statistics with no context. There were never stories on recoveries or successful treatments, of which there are many inexpensive, home-based therapies. Many studies demonstrate positive results from the anti-inflammatory antiparasitics hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, fluvoxasmine (antidepressant), budesonide (inhaled steroid), vitamins D and C, quercetin, and zinc. 

Social media refused to post materials favorable to the President or unfavorable to his opponent. I presume we are supposed to be impressed by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testifying that he should not have censored news about Hunter Biden’s internationally sensitive business ventures. Too little, too late. But he knows that. He had a mission to complete: emulate Pravda, censor and manipulate speech, and sway the election. 

We knew this was coming. 60 years ago Nikita Khrushchev predicted of the United States, “your grandchildren will live under communism.” If we didn’t believe Stalin or Khrushchev, maybe we will believe Hollywood. Given the perpetual “2 weeks to flatten the curve” lockdown and the paucity of non-Pravda network news, 50-year-old television shows have become welcome substitutes. The 1967-68 series called The Invaders was premised on aliens from another planet descending upon Earth to “make it their world.” The aliens’ dialogue was eerily familiar to the current authoritarian COVID Great Reset social engineering blather. 

In The Ivy Curtain episode an alien “college” course instructed new alien arrivals that “fear is an emotion that dominates all human behavior.” The aliens would “use fear as a weapon, to twist anxiety into hate, suspicion into violence, cowardice into surrender.” COVID was the convenient vehicle to induce fear. Was The Invaders pure entertainment or allegory? 

On the technical side, 2019’s futuristic Terminator: Dark Fate  is prophetic. When Facebook, Google, Twitter, and big tech hyperbolically propagandizing the coronavirus – excuse me, Skynet’s machines began to overtake humans, the government told the people to hide and isolate for a while. Hiding became the “new normal” until one strong leader inspired humans to fight the machines.

The one-sided news presentation, the post-election fortuitous release of 2 vaccines and revelation of Biden’s lockdown plans, mayors and governors and congresspersons flagrantly attending and planning celebrationsmaskless, opened many eyes to the media’s manipulation. Some voters are feeling like someone who got drunk in Las Vegas and woke up in bed married to a stranger or in a bathtub of ice minus a kidney. Stalin has another thought for these folks: “Words are one thing – deeds something entirely different. Fine words are a mask to cover shady deeds.” Sounds a bit like Barack Obama. President Trump’s words did not do justice to his deeds. Everything was for Americans – more jobs, energy independence, improving national parks, medical choice for veterans, prison reform, advancing historically black colleges, opportunity zones in poor neighborhoods, and on and on.

By contrast, the compassionate Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez launched the Trump Accountability Project. The hit list included individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020, those who staffed his government, individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration, and those who funded him, and the millions of Americans who elected him. This hateful website silenced itself but the Stalinesque sentiment runs deep and is certain to resurface.

Off the Record with Dr. Adams: Wake Up!

I have been reluctant to write lately, for fear that my words would explode on the page.

We are witnessing the most colossal crime in the history of humanity on earth, the theft of Western Civilization. What we are seeing play out before us is not about an election; this is not about the Republicans or the Democrats.  This is not even about America, per se.  This is about freedom on earth for all mankind. 

A virus, one much more dangerous and insidious than any corona virus sent by China, has been creeping into our placid and friendly world one cell at a time for decades, creating subtle changes that happy, hardworking, family-loving people wouldn’t/didn’t notice. Because they’re not of the mindset to notice. They were too busy building lives. But the virus was hard at work. 

That virus is Communism. The infestation was subtle – subtle in the schools, subtle in the media, subtle in the government, so as not to perk up eyes and ears of the unsuspecting. But over time, if you take away a spoonful of mountain every day, eventually the mountain is gone. 

Now we face a truly existential drama. The corrupt and evil thieves of civilization as we know it have planted their land mines everywhere. Slowly and subtly—and they were on the verge of detonating them—changing everything we know and love permanently. But someone had been watching for a long time. Someone was awake and had been sounding the alarm for a long time.  That someone stood up.  He stood up and he shook us by the shoulders and he yelled in our faces “wake up, wake up, wake up!!” That person was Donald Trump.  

Yet, the virus had already taken hold. Its symptoms had already seeped in. Somnambulance being the major symptom, made people close their eyes and their ears and their minds to the sickness that was overtaking them.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!!” Some of us did. We came out of our slumber and started to shake our fists in the street. On November 3, 2020 a large dose of red medicine, in the form of many tens of millions of Trump voters, flooded the communism-infected land. They said NO to the disease of corruption and Karl Marx but the virus wouldn’t have any part of that. Its infestations started to erupt, the land mines started to detonate. 

As we see the mines explode, we hope that we have the will, the strength, the courage and the decency to fight with goodness and numbers on our side. Will we stand by and watch the most important fight ever fought? Or will we stand up and fight? 

Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!! The future of the entire world depends on it. 

I Vote for Early Treatment of Covid-19

The federal election’s mail-in voting chaos should teach us something about government-run medical care. In several cases, the voting process was as purposefully obtuse as the inner workings of our “healthcare system.” 

Our complex system includes the government or private insurers second-guessing your physician’s judgment with a man behind the curtain determining the “medical necessity” of tests or treatment. Is the justification that the physician with scientific knowledge and clinical judgment knows less than the bureaucrat? Or that the bureaucrat’s agenda favors the government pocketbook or his job security over the patients’ best interest?

Patients and physicians long for medical visits of days past. You saw your doctor, not the doctor who happened to be available that day. Your doctor saw you as a person, not merely a list of checkboxes on a computer screen. And most importantly, your doctor took the time to listen. And at the end of the visit, the doctor was allowed to charge you what you could afford to pay—not the price fixed by the government or insurer. Now, massive overregulation labels this type of charitable billing as health care fraud. Let’s get back to basics: you pay the doctor for their services and have major medical insurance for the hospital.

If we have totally government-run medical care, our choices are gone and we are at the mercy of politicians.

The intrusion of personal political preferences has no place in free and fair elections—just as in medicine. A civil society does not condone apparent bias and electioneering by state officials. Nor should we tolerate medical elites who haven’t touched a patient in decades telling physicians how to treat their own patients.

While practicing physicians were reading everything they could find about the new coronavirus, the august bureaucrats were busy giving us “expert” advice that proved incorrect. Of course, the experts never admitted their errors and still have their jobs. Meanwhile we continued to see contradictory information, the mischaracterization of positive SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests as new “cases,” and the media announcing all positive tests a “case” (implying an active illness) and overstating deaths attributable to Covid-19. By design, this misinformation kept us off-kilter and willing to let fear rather than common sense rule our lives. Albert Einstein was so right: “blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”

Soon it became clear to clinicians that Covid-19 had separate stages of the disease. Stage I, the viral invasion; Stage II, the abnormal inflammatory response to the infection (cytokine storm); Stage III, exaggerated blood clotting response. Clinicians figured out that each stage needed different treatments. And just like with other conditions, the earlier physicians treat the cause of the illness, the better the patient’s outcome. 

Some private practitioners and academicians reported that early use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in Stage I was safe and attenuated the course of Covid-19. President Trump praised the drug’s success. Big mistake. The political winds dictated that HCQ must die (along with some patients). While low-cost, generic treatments emerged, the politicians with their big tech, big Pharma, and media allies ensured that the public would never see the whole picture. In reality fewer people are dying and more people are recovering. But positive news about COVID might have helped the President. 

Scoring political points outweighed saving patients’ lives. When the saga of Covid-19 is told, the role of the intrusion of politics into the practice of medicine will leave a permanent stain. Medicine may suffer from the same distrust as does the integrity of the election process. If there is any doubt that the sainted Dr. Fauci and his ilk are overly influenced by politics and their self-interest, two 30-year-old books should resolve the issue: Good Intentions: How Big Business and the Medical Establishment Are Corrupting the Fight against AIDS by Bruce Nussbaum and And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts. History repeats itself. According to Nussbaum, Fauci loved media attention and “this lacklustre scientist [Fauci] was about to find his true vocation—empire building.”

Many posit that the reason a mentally compromised candidate for the United States presidency could stay in his basement and his running mate could refuse to give a single press conference was that “the fix was in.” Middle East peace, confronting North Korean aggression, reining in Communist China, the release of American hostages, the lowest unemployment in history, and a strong economy were flat out ignored by the media. Instead the media pushed a political “platform” of demonizing a President because of a treatable virus with a low infection-fatality rate. 

Maintaining medical independence is now more important than ever. Covid-19 was merely one weapon in the political arsenal. The “system” cannot be trusted to look out for you.

Thinking Out Loud: Pravda

We have a mentally challenged, corrupt vapid zombie running for President of our democratic republic. The media refuse to report about it. Not to mention that the real presidential candidate is a despicable corrupt politician in her own right.

The First Amendment’s freedom of the press and speech clause enhances our freedoms through flooding the “marketplace of ideas” with unlimited information. There was a time when the law wrestled with censorship of hard-core pornography. Now the media are censoring political viewpoints.

Although media outlets are not government entities, the charge of the media is to relay information, not indoctrinate. In a few short years our media — the voice of the people — have devolved into Pravda. For those who don’t remember the Soviet Union (USSR), Pravda (meaning “truth”) was the USSR’s Communist Party newspaper that disseminated only Party-approved information.

Yesterday the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation grilled the CEOs of Google, Twitter, and Facebook regarding their bias against conservative posts. Predictably, some Democratic legislators seemed to think the censorship of conservatives was acceptable. Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) indeed wanted more — against conservatives only!

Suppression of free speech is a step in the long march to socialism. With socialism the state owns and operates all capital. It seems antithetical that some corporate shills (including big tech, print and television media) support Joe Biden, the Communist Chinese puppet. Think again. Biden’s platform includes re-instituting regulations, raising the minimum wage, and levying high taxes. Such policies tend to drive smaller companies out of business. With the competition eliminated, the surviving big corporations assume they will be the “chosen ones” for the government-owned means of production. After all, the government deemed the big boys “essential,” thus allowed them to operate at full throttle during the Covid lockdowns.

Remember who is really essential: you. Speak up and speak out while you still can.

“As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends.” Jeremy Bentham, English philosopher (1748-1832)

Off the Record with Dr. Adams: Willful Ignorance

Biden cannot be seen. He doesn’t stray far from his home in Delaware, when he does stray at all, which is very infrequently. A “lid” has been put on his candidacy perhaps because it is a pile of garbage and garbage cans need lids to contain the stink. During his rare public outings, when he starts to veer from his script his handlers nudge him, cue him or simply move him out of sight and sound. Yet people still vote for this shell of a man. Willful blindness. Blindness not only to the truth about Biden, but to the accomplishments of Trump.

Biden’s son has been exposed not just for his crack cocaine abuse, and sexual peccadilloes, which in theory shouldn’t really affect the father’s ability to run the country, but how does a self-proclaimed poor boy from Scranton, PA have multiple multi-million dollar homes on a Senator’s salary?

And how does a son with a less than stellar history and no business background have access to major corporations around the world without some sort of affiliation with Scranton Joe? Forgetting the possibility—likelihood—that Pop got nice kickbacks, let’s say for arguments sake, he didn’t. Isn’t it still corrupt to get your unqualified son employment with foreign governments (particularly hostile ones) for massive sums? Isn’t that enough corruption on its own?

The complicit media, including social media, are trying to blind us. That explains the willful ignorance of the masses who refuse to see exactly what’s still in from of them. How is it possible to say to yourself it is believable that Hunter flew on Air Force Two all around the world with Pop but they never talked business. Or that Pop was not the least bit curious about the source of his son’s wealth, or why he was accompanying Dad in the first place.  Sightseeing? You have to want desperately to ignore it. Or else you just don’t care.  

A major news outlet, respectable and thriving since its founding by Alexander Hamilton centuries ago, has been completely shut down on Twitter. A major story of our time will not be shown to the people for fear that it exposes the obvious corruption of the Biden family. Astonishingly, Twitter released a statement saying that any tweet suggesting that mail-in voting is an easy set up for voter fraud will have their tweet removed and replaced with a statement from Twitter saying that there is no proof of such. Take it from banana republics, mail-in voting is an easy way to perpetrate election fraud. Whoa, who needs banana republics! Pennsylvania no longer requires signatures.

Willful blindness rears its head here again. Massive scandals suppressed, milestone achievements in the Middle East unreported, social media accounts shut down, Big Brother is watching.  So, when the obviously compromised Joe Biden incorrectly and publicly referred (in his haze and confusion) to his rival candidate as “George,” perhaps he meant George Orwell.

The Canary in the Constitutional Mine Is Gasping

Constitution Day passed us by without the celebration it richly deserved. Limiting the powers of the federal government is at the core of our Constitution. Ten years ago, the Affordable Care Act tested the limits of federal powers. The barely-noticed federal takeover of student loans, the mandated purchase of health insurance from a limited list of insurers with a limited list of doctors were only the start. The federally defined “essential” medical services were a roadmap for future government controls. We are now living through the consequences of government deciding what activities are “essential” in the lives of normal, sentient human beings.

Some congresspersons and assorted social justice warriors are treating the Constitution like the COVID-susceptible residents of New York nursing homes: expendable. Or like the 26,000 dementia patients whose death was hastened by the isolation resulting from unscientific lockdowns. 

The First Amendment is irrelevant for those whom the leftist mob detests. The mob and its social media enablers reserve freedom of speech for high-minded virtue signalers. Conservatives or libertarians need not apply. COVID-19 provided a justification for abridging freedom of assembly and religious freedom. Is openly professing one’s faith not essential to our well-being? Certainly, religious services where congregations can easily be instructed on safely participating in group worship presents less risk than sauntering through Walmart.

The Second Amendment erosion continues despite gutting police departments and the resultant rapidly increasing violent crime, including 710 more homicides than this time last year. Within hours after a would-be assassin used a handgun to ambush two law enforcement officers, Joe Biden called for a ban on “weapons of war.” Are we to fend for ourselves with kitchen knives and pointy-headed garden gnomes? 

The abandonment of the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure is on the table as the rumblings about mandatory COVID-19 vaccines get louder.  

We are seeing new methods to erode the Fifth Amendment’s prohibition of the government “taking” of private property by “eminent domain” that go far beyond the infamous 2005 Kelo decision. In Kelo, the Supreme Court liberals expanded the Constitution’s “public use” to include a public “purpose.” The Court concluded that the government could take property from one private owner and transfer it to another private party because the public would benefit from the economic development and increased tax revenue. Sadly, the project for which the plaintiff lost her family home was never built. As dissenting Justice Sandra Day O’Connor noted, “Nothing is to prevent the State from replacing any Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton, any home with a shopping mall, or any farm with a factory.” In short, a “public purpose” can be anything the government wants it to be.

We are taking baby steps toward Marx’s ideal society without private property. California, as usual, is the canary in our free society’s coal mine. New legislation will allow 3 homes on single family lots across the state. The federal rules that Joe Biden wants to revive will facilitate cramming us into high-density suburban concrete jungles. How did the “stack and pack” housing in New York City where COVID-19 spread like wildfire work out? 

The COVID-19 mandates and lockdowns all but ignore the Ninth Amendment that enshrines the principle that we have natural rights that need not be enumerated.

The Tenth Amendment—perhaps the most powerful amendment—has been lost in the COVID-19 shuffle. Our leaders have ignored the law of the land that provides that when it comes to inalienable rights, the people are ultimately in charge.

The Twelfth Amendment confirms that electors, not the popular vote, shall elect the president despite Mrs. Clinton’s assertions to the contrary. The United States must guarantee that all states, not just New York City and California, have a voice in presidential elections. 

The Thirteenth Amendment will no longer have meaning when we are all slaves to Uncle Sam’s whims. 

Universal mail-in voting and the attendant fraud grossly weakens the Fifteenth Amendment. 

As Marx predicted, a socialist society would begin by the violent seizure of the government by the people. To achieve their goals, Communist revolutionaries killed at least 100 million people. Appearing to follow in those footsteps, the Marxist Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc. is decorating the streets with communist symbols and burning down neighborhoods—much to the displeasure of the local Black residents. At least 26 deathsare attributable to the “peaceful protests.” News anchors are calling for “burning the f**** thing down” or “blow the system up” if their demands (having nothing to do with racial justice) are not met. 

The leftists would like to “reimagine” the Constitution out of existence. When the mobs usher in a government-run dystopia, the Fourteenth Amendment’s equal protection clause will merely ensure that we will all “equally share in our misery.” 

Rescue the canary. Fight for our Constitutional republic and our freedoms.

Off the Record with Dr. Adams

Rhinoceros Logic

When the mind is locked in, logic means very little. No matter how many pieces of information and no matter how much evidence is presented that contradicts the party line, the indoctrinated populace laps up all the convoluted explanations and excuses that make no sense, simply because it keeps dissonance from seeping into their heads. Logic dictates that if something looks like a horse, smells like a horse, and eats hay, a clear thinker would generally conclude that it is a horse. But not if you have been convinced that it is a rhinoceros. And not if you want to believe that it is a rhinoceros, because somehow you have been convinced that rhinoceros belief makes you a better person—no matter how many pieces of solid evidence are presented that the thing is actually a horse. If you’re desperate to believe it’s a rhinoceros you just shut reason out.

Statistics came out last week from the heretofore worshipped CDC explaining that only 4-6% of the previously considered Covid deaths were actually caused by Covid and Covid alone. This should be cause for massive celebration! This is by far the biggest news since the outbreak began. Yet, not only was this monster story underreported, but it was convolutedly denied by the powers who stand to gain the most by maintaining the rhinoceros theory. 

Shouldn’t this have been a headline splashed across the world—that fewer people in the United States have died from Covid alone than have died from being hit by a car? And that the number of Covid only deaths in the U.S. are about the same as the number of Americans who die from foodborne illnesses every year. By this new rhinoceros logic ALL FOOD should be banned until there’s a cure for food poisoning.

Why on earth should such a moment to rejoice be kept so quiet and so well hidden? We know why. It’s because it is a whole lot harder to maintain lemming status amongst a population when the people aren’t terrified that they will die from breathing. So, the most excellent news we could possibly hope for has been swept under the rug. And there will be no mask-free dancing in the streets for some time (if ever?) Maybe we should rename this the rhinoceros virus. Or, more aptly, the November 3 virus.

September 10, 2020

Kamala Harris, Here’s A Taste of Your Own Medicine

Image credit: At the 2019 Iowa Democrats Hall of Fame Celebration in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Sunday. June 9. Lorie Shaull –

By M. Marie Brown

Another snake slithers out of the swamp. If you wanted an antidote to Mr. Trump, this creature is not it. Please, someone over the age of 35 with ethics, step up!

In the meantime, in the interest of determining fitness for the job and as you say, “the American public deserves to know the character of someone who will serve” in an important federal office. We will follow the lead of your heraldedblunt” style that includes proudly publically reeling off George Carlin’s Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television”, with the favorite being mother*****. 

Let the questions begin!

1. Are you aware of the perception in certain communities that you got ahead by having sex with a married man twice your age?

It was a wide open secret that you were corrupt San Francisco politician Willie Brown’s “new steady” despite the fact that state assembly “Speaker for Life,” the “Ayatollah of the Assembly” was married, 60 (to your 29 years). What kind of person comes out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance? Do you believe having your paramour’s wife discuss your affair with her husband would “offer a clearer picture into who you really are”? “Listen, she [Harris] may have him at the moment, but come inauguration day and he’s up there on the platform being sworn in, I’ll be the b***h holding the Bible.”

Just for the record, Brown appointed Harris—a young deputy district attorney in Alameda County—to high-profile, lucrative patronage positions on the state’s Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (at $97,088 annually for two meetings a month) and the California Medical Assistance Commission netting her more than $400,000 between 1994 and 1999. And a shiny new BMW!

2.  Are you aware of the perception by many political observers that your narrow win in the race for California Attorney General was, shall we say, questionable? Despite registered Democrats outnumbering Republicans statewide by thirteen percent, Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley (endorsed by the Sacramento Bee, the state capitol’s newspaper) led you by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. Some observers believe there is “reliable information” that you spoke with someone in Sacramento and magically enough provisional ballot votes for you to eke out at 0.2 percent win appeared? Wait. “I think you’re thinking of someone and you don’t want to tell us.” “Be sure about your answer, ma’am.”

3.  Are you aware of the perception by some that you were either a poor manager of the San Francisco DA’s office or amazingly willfully ignorant? We can take the word of a judge’s 26-page ruling that found that while San Francisco DA you violated defendants’ rights by hiding damaging information about a police drug lab technician suspected of stealing portions of cocaine samples that later led the San Francisco police to shut down an entire section of the lab.

One wonders about your honesty when asked about your knowledge of a top aide of yours for 14 years made a $400,000 gender harassment settlement:“I did not.” “Nope.” You never answered whether you believe the accuser since you had “not talked to her directly.” Her name was not Christine Ford, thus not to be believed unconditionally.

4.  In a “search for the truth” would it be beneficial to hear the testimony of former San Francisco DA and State Justice Department employees who are undoubtedly credible and honest because they have nothing to gain? These deputies attorney general don’t see you as particularly committed to the work of the office. You were rarely sighted in Sacramento, where much of the Department of Justice is located. You spent much of your time in Los Angeles and San Francisco running for higher office.

5.  If you are “For the people”, why would consumer advocates say, “She has no presence.” “She has no involvement. She has no leadership. You have no sense of her being out there on the front saying we’re charging forward to do what’s right.” Or those who think you are soft on public corruption because it might cause “friction” with fellow Democratic politicians or that you avoided privacy issues for fear of losing Silicon Valley support.

6.  Were you aware that some people have the perception that you are a partisan tyrant who does not follow the will of the people? Like when without explanation, you did not enforce a citizen initiative passed by 70 percent of voters barring paroled sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet of schools and parks. And by assigning “egregiously unfair” descriptions to voter-sponsored citizen-driven initiatives that cast them in a bad light when they run counter to certain Democratic special interests. Propositions from pension reform to limiting tax increases that the people will never see because the sponsors withdrew them after you deceptively entitled them. Or that you demanded that conservative-leaning nonprofits file with your office unredacted donor lists—confidential information typically submitted only to the Internal Revenue Service—exposing supporters of such groups to the risk of disclosure and retaliation. Remember, as the ACLU said, the first target is rarely the last.

7. Surely, being fearless, you wouldn’t avoid the press. We know giving a straight answer regarding sanctuary cities is tough: “To be honest with you, San Francisco’s policy has changed in the last few years; I haven’t looked at the details, so I can’t comment on it. On the infamous illegal immigrant killer of Kate Steinle: “My reluctance to answer these questions [about Kate Steinle’s infamous killer]…is that I don’t actually know what happened…you’re talking about important details…and I don’t have any knowledge about what actually occurred.”

8. Were you aware that some people in the blogosphere have this perception about you? No dignity. No self-respect. Just naked ambition.  She is vulgar, unprofessional, deceitful, two-faced, ambitious to the extreme. I pray to God that I never stoop to this level to either: A.) keep a man or B.) get power/money.

It was good of you to leave the posh Los Angeles Brentwood neighborhood where the median price of a home is $3,136,500 and has a black population of 1.7 percent and pose as an Obama wannabe by giving your big speech your “birthplace” Oakland although most of your youth was spent in Canada.

So we have a potty-mouthed incompetent phony who learned tricks at the knee of a California politician who is famous for being corrupt. If she were a white male she would be vilified. Sadly, in today’s world of check the right identity politics box, her greatest attribute is that she is an ethnic female.

But to this ethnic female, she is a total disgrace – not what our young women should aspire to.

Ms. Brown is a native Californian and political observer.

The Real Loser in the Midterms: Individuality

by Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD

After the election, sappy statements on social media exhort us to bow down in praise that the first minority this or the first woman that was elected and how this means we have catapulted our nation out of the Neanderthal era. Funny how no one mentions Young Kim’s victory – but she is not a Democrat so it does not count. It’s funny how no one cheered women of color when Condoleeza Rice was secretary of state. Instead she was called an Aunt Jemima and a house nigga’ in a nationally syndicated cartoon.

Now it is acceptable to call young conservative black students enjoying their visit with President Trump “N-words in Maggot hats” and ridicule them as “props.”  What racist insults! Undoubtedly, the prominently positioned little black boy at the Affordable Care Act signing just happened to be strolling outside the White House East Room.

These “first” types would rather we forget that we had a black Senator from Mississippi, Hiram Revels in 1870. Or that by 1920 the first black female millionaire, Madame C.J. Walker employed up to 40,000 women and lived in the same neighborhood as John D. Rockefeller.

Yes, the road to acceptance was long and paved by female businesspersons, physicistspilots, and physicians, among many others. The road is littered with boorish people and men who targeted women for abuse.

There was a time when minorities and women advanced because they were accomplished, assertive, and strong. When Madame Walker was denied a speaking slot at the National Negro Business League convention, she admonished, “Surely you are not going to shut the door in my face. I am a woman that came from the cotton fields of the South.” The next year, she was the keynote speaker. Although only 10 percent of my medical school classmates were women (and a handful of minorities, including myself), the top two students were women. Sure it was a slog, but competence won the day.

Then something politically expedient happened. We lost the grit and pluck that propelled Madame Walker to success. Women became victims who feel they are always being stepped on by others, ignored or abused. And only women could rescue them from their evil white male oppressors. Now being a minority or a woman has become a shield against legitimate criticisms, setting back the struggle to simply be judged by the content of our character. One wonders how the press would report the botched Broward County ballots if Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes were a white male.

Sadly, the focus on victimization has expanded to all Americans. The key to getting votes was to let people know how miserably unfair their lives are. Just like in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the beleaguered seek to improve their lot through rigid exclusionary rules: “Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.” The newly minted pathetic wretches are exhorted to join the morally superior tribe who will protect them from those who disagree with their point of view. After all, they are likely racist sexist homophobes.

The “longshoreman philosopher” Eric Hoffer pointed out in his classic, The True Believer, “people whose lives are barren and insecure seem to show a greater willingness to obey than people who are self-sufficient and self-confident.” Such persons tend to value equality and fraternity more than freedom. Such persons will also more readily accept in their medical care government control, rationing, and paint-by-the numbers treatments (or non-treatments).

Before getting excited about the midterm election results, chew on this. Lying during a political campaign is protected by the First Amendment. Animal Farm’s core commandment, “All animals are equal” devolved into “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” Analyze why the uber-rich with $42 million private jets financed the campaigns of the socialist-leaning candidates. Are they thinking, I’ve made it to the top thanks to the capitalistic system of hard work and rewards, but you can take the crumbs and sit on your lazy butts watching me pontificate on TV? How will the Bernie Bros and Single-payer sisters who voted to expand government health insurance with their $1000 iPhones feel when their toys are taxed out of existence? And our modern-day feminists who define themselves by their gender rather than competence have no right to be insulted if a patient says, “I prefer not to have a woman doctor.”

My congratulations go to all the women and men — voters and candidates — who are independent critical thinkers, who display the grit of Madame C.J. Walker, and who follow the words of the abolitionist, William Ellery Channing: “No power in society, no hardship in your condition can depress you, keep you down, in knowledge, power, virtue, influence but your own consent.”

Dr. Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD is a board-certified anesthesiologist and member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

Dr. Marilyn Singleton ran for Congress in California’s 13th District in 2012, fighting to give its 700,000 citizens the right to control their own lives.

While still working in the operating room, Dr. Marilyn Singleton attended UC Berkeley Law School, focusing on constitutional law and administrative law. She also interned at the National Health Law Program and has practiced both insurance and health law.

Dr. Marilyn Singleton has taught specialized classes dealing with issues such as the recognition of elder abuse and constitutional law for non-lawyers. She also speaks out about her concerns with Obamacare, the apology law and death panels.

Congressional candidate Dr. Marilyn Singleton presented her views on challenging the political elite to physicians at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons annual meeting in 2012.

Follow Dr. Marilyn Singleton on Twitter @MSingletonMDJD

More info about Dr. Marilyn Singleton

Let’s Not Replace Constitutionally Proper Elections With Mob Rule

by Marilyn M. Singleton, M.D., J.D.

The goal of the recent sometimes-unruly protests over the election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States of America is unclear. Is it to make President-elect Trump preemptively resign? Is it to ensure that he never takes office—by any means necessary? Is it to exercise the protesters’ self-defined right to vandalize the property of others?

Of course, we’ve never had a flawed person as president. Not the progressive icon Woodrow Wilson who re-segregated the White House. Not the revered Franklin Roosevelt who herded Japanese citizens into internment camps. Not the two incredibly popular womanizers Bill Clinton and JFK. And we’ve never had a rock-star-Beyonce and F-word, N-word Jay Z at the White House of hyperbolic-story-telling president like Barack “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” Obama. And of course, there were no flaws in the Democratic candidate who never denounced the Democratic National Committee’s unfair treatment of Bernie Sanders or the heads up on questions in the primary debate.

Is the protestors’ beef that the election was not fair? There have been no reports of voter intimidation. Is the protestors’ beef that the election was not democratic? It seems the complaints about Mr. Trump are conflated with the meme ungraciously perpetrated by Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine in an effort to boost Hillary Clinton’s ego: she won more popular votes. That is a totally irrelevant, ignorant, and divisive statement perhaps meant to foment resentment and ill will.

Message to protesters: the candidates were campaigning for each state’s electoral votes (the number of congresspersons and both senators), the system set forth in our Constitution. The Electoral College treats the states as equal sovereignties and keeps large states from swallowing up the small states.

It is the fight for electoral votes rather than popular votes that results in no one ever having to campaign, for example, in deep dark blue California where the ballot offered the choice between two Democratic candidates for U.S. Senate. The skewed voting patterns of California’s 18 million registered voters could account for Clinton’s extra votes.

Majority rule sounds moral but majority rule is not automatically democratic. As Ben Franklin said, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner.”

Our country’s founders knew that the “divine right of the majority” was just as bad as rule by “the divine right of kings.” In Federalist No. 10, James Madison argued that direct democracies are “incompatible with personal security or the rights of property.” In a direct democracy, the individual, and any group of individuals who are in the minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of the majority. If the majority votes to take away your land, you lose your land. If the majority votes to outlaw your business, you lose your business.

Madison concluded that a representative democracy—which he called a “republic”—is preferable to direct democracy as a form of government. Madison reasoned that representatives would not be caught up in the heat of the moment of some passion-infused issue raised by a group. Our representatives would refine the views of the public and create laws designed to uphold the basic inalienable human rights consistent with democracy: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial, protection against unwarranted intrusion by the government, and equal protection under the law.

Publius (either James Madison or Alexander Hamilton) noted in Federalist No. 55 that a republican government assumes that man’s virtuous nature outweighs our political jealousies. If that were not so, “nothing less than the chains of despotism can restrain them from destroying and devouring one another.”

Another safeguard against governmental abuse of power is our three separate branches of government that can change the acts of the other branches. Sadly, the federal government has morphed into a species of mob rule. Its pronouncements and regulations have ballooned, largely unknown to anyone but those who wrote them and the poor schnooks who must abide by them.

Many pundits are calling for president-elect Trump to decry the protests and tell the protestors to stop. Why would they listen to the person whom they despise? Where is Hillary Clinton’s voice of reason peddling love and kindness?

To echo Oprah Winfrey (whose equanimity outraged some protesters and Hollywood types), “Everybody, take a deep breath. Hope lives.

singletonDr. Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JD is a board-certified anesthesiologist and member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

Dr. Marilyn Singleton ran for Congress in California’s 13th District in 2012, fighting to give its 700,000 citizens the right to control their own lives.

While still working in the operating room, Dr. Marilyn Singleton attended UC Berkeley Law School, focusing on constitutional law and administrative law. She also interned at the National Health Law Program and has practiced both insurance and health law.

Dr. Marilyn Singleton has taught specialized classes dealing with issues such as the recognition of elder abuse and constitutional law for non-lawyers. She also speaks out about her concerns with Obamacare, the apology law and death panels.

Congressional candidate Dr. Marilyn Singleton presented her views on challenging the political elite to physicians at the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons annual meeting in 2012.

Follow Dr. Marilyn Singleton on Twitter @MSingletonMDJD

More info about Dr. Marilyn Singleton