Off the Record with Dr. Adams: Wake Up!

I have been reluctant to write lately, for fear that my words would explode on the page.

We are witnessing the most colossal crime in the history of humanity on earth, the theft of Western Civilization. What we are seeing play out before us is not about an election; this is not about the Republicans or the Democrats.  This is not even about America, per se.  This is about freedom on earth for all mankind. 

A virus, one much more dangerous and insidious than any corona virus sent by China, has been creeping into our placid and friendly world one cell at a time for decades, creating subtle changes that happy, hardworking, family-loving people wouldn’t/didn’t notice. Because they’re not of the mindset to notice. They were too busy building lives. But the virus was hard at work. 

That virus is Communism. The infestation was subtle – subtle in the schools, subtle in the media, subtle in the government, so as not to perk up eyes and ears of the unsuspecting. But over time, if you take away a spoonful of mountain every day, eventually the mountain is gone. 

Now we face a truly existential drama. The corrupt and evil thieves of civilization as we know it have planted their land mines everywhere. Slowly and subtly—and they were on the verge of detonating them—changing everything we know and love permanently. But someone had been watching for a long time. Someone was awake and had been sounding the alarm for a long time.  That someone stood up.  He stood up and he shook us by the shoulders and he yelled in our faces “wake up, wake up, wake up!!” That person was Donald Trump.  

Yet, the virus had already taken hold. Its symptoms had already seeped in. Somnambulance being the major symptom, made people close their eyes and their ears and their minds to the sickness that was overtaking them.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!!” Some of us did. We came out of our slumber and started to shake our fists in the street. On November 3, 2020 a large dose of red medicine, in the form of many tens of millions of Trump voters, flooded the communism-infected land. They said NO to the disease of corruption and Karl Marx but the virus wouldn’t have any part of that. Its infestations started to erupt, the land mines started to detonate. 

As we see the mines explode, we hope that we have the will, the strength, the courage and the decency to fight with goodness and numbers on our side. Will we stand by and watch the most important fight ever fought? Or will we stand up and fight? 

Wake up, wake up, wake up!!!! The future of the entire world depends on it. 

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