Off the Record with Dr. Adams: Faulty Outrage

So Cavalier!

Trump was cavalier, Trump threw caution to the wind, Trump didn’t respect “the science,” Trump caught Covid due to bad behavior, a culture in the white house of……blah, blah, blah. 

I guess CNN’s body builder in chief, Chris Cuomo caught it some other way. He was busy respecting the science but somehow that little virus found him anyway. Not his fault. And what about the 200,000 people who died from it, I guess they all were cavalier and didn’t respect the science, either. And I guess that the supposed 7,000,000 people who have tested positive were all badly behaved and disrespectful of “the science” and deserved what they got, too. Interesting that the only person on earth who caught the highly contagious bug by being cavalier was that awful orange bad man. Everyone else who caught it was righteous and decent. 

It’s funny but I do remember reading way back in May that New York Governor, and honorary physician, Andrew Cuomo mentioned that 66% of the people hospitalized in NY State with the Chinese virus were people who had been in quarantine for at least 2 weeks at home. Hmmm, ‘splain that, Ricky. 

That was really big, and totally ignored news. It basically states straight out that people can get this no matter how hard they try to hide from it. It clearly demonstrates that lockdowns don’t prevent infection. It suggests that we ought to come out from under our rocks and live our lives because hiding in the cave doesn’t confer immunity.  But that story didn’t work for the democrats. It didn’t make Donald Trump look bad so we are just going to ignore it. Orange man dismissive, orange man careless. That is pretty insulting to all the rest of the people who contracted the Wuhan virus, as did the President, through no fault of their own. And why are we always mad at him and blaming him? Where is the outrage against CHINA? They did this to us. He didn’t.  

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