Thinking Out Loud: Verbal Rubbish

An anti-Justice Amy Coney Barrett howled at Senator Lindsay Graham, “why would you put a racist on the Court”? It’s understandable that the protester would be upset that Justice Barrett’s personal moral code supports the sanctity of life. But a racist? This just shows how that word no longer has any meaning. It is like calling someone a boogerface or butthead. “Racist” has become a convenient, all-encompassing insult that is difficult to refute. I suppose in keeping with the infantile nature of the insult, one should reply, “I know I am but so are you.”

I’ll show you racism. In the woke do-gooders’ attempt to make black lives matter, they have deemed black folks as inferior and incapable. For example, San Diego schools will no longer count late work attendance or behavior when awarding grades. These “non-academic” factors are now considered racist. What happens when the student who “learns” in a system without discipline has to timely arrive or complete his assignments for his job? When his boss counsels him about his tardiness, will he have been conditioned to scream racism?

And how did President Trump become a Nazi and a racist? His daughter and her family are Jewish. And why would the Ellis Island Honor Society give a racist (alongside Mohammed Ali and Rosa Parks) an award that celebrates “patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and diversity”? Because he is not a racist. But calling him one relieves the critic of developing a reasoned case abasing him.

Donald Trump has longstanding black friends and black executives in his business organization. As President, he has put forth programs that specifically benefit black Americans. He spearheaded the First Step Act, that included major criminal justice reforms that have reunited thousands of prison inmates with their families through release or reduced sentences. President Trump has increased the amounts of funding to historically black colleges (HCBUs) and supported work study programs in record time. The President’s economic programs have resulted in the highest black and Hispanic employment ever. And for those who think he is not empathetic to welfare: the best welfare program is a job.

Some racist, eh?

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