Off the Record with Dr. Adams

Rhinoceros Logic

When the mind is locked in, logic means very little. No matter how many pieces of information and no matter how much evidence is presented that contradicts the party line, the indoctrinated populace laps up all the convoluted explanations and excuses that make no sense, simply because it keeps dissonance from seeping into their heads. Logic dictates that if something looks like a horse, smells like a horse, and eats hay, a clear thinker would generally conclude that it is a horse. But not if you have been convinced that it is a rhinoceros. And not if you want to believe that it is a rhinoceros, because somehow you have been convinced that rhinoceros belief makes you a better person—no matter how many pieces of solid evidence are presented that the thing is actually a horse. If you’re desperate to believe it’s a rhinoceros you just shut reason out.

Statistics came out last week from the heretofore worshipped CDC explaining that only 4-6% of the previously considered Covid deaths were actually caused by Covid and Covid alone. This should be cause for massive celebration! This is by far the biggest news since the outbreak began. Yet, not only was this monster story underreported, but it was convolutedly denied by the powers who stand to gain the most by maintaining the rhinoceros theory. 

Shouldn’t this have been a headline splashed across the world—that fewer people in the United States have died from Covid alone than have died from being hit by a car? And that the number of Covid only deaths in the U.S. are about the same as the number of Americans who die from foodborne illnesses every year. By this new rhinoceros logic ALL FOOD should be banned until there’s a cure for food poisoning.

Why on earth should such a moment to rejoice be kept so quiet and so well hidden? We know why. It’s because it is a whole lot harder to maintain lemming status amongst a population when the people aren’t terrified that they will die from breathing. So, the most excellent news we could possibly hope for has been swept under the rug. And there will be no mask-free dancing in the streets for some time (if ever?) Maybe we should rename this the rhinoceros virus. Or, more aptly, the November 3 virus.

September 10, 2020