Tips for Starting Your Business in the Post-COVID Market

Guest column by Lance Cody-Valdez

Major world events like pandemics have a way of forcing us to re-evaluate our priorities. In the face of a rapidly changing world, we have to ask ourselves: Do I enjoy how I’m living? For many people, the answer is no — and, according to Medical News Today, work is a major source of life dissatisfaction. Since the pandemic has led to more people working from home (and proving themselves self-motivated in the process), many experts expect to see a rise in the COVID-preneur.

If you’re a hopeful “green” business owner who has been inspired during the pandemic, you fall into this category. Although that means you’re in good company, it also means you need to make the right moves in order to ensure your business can stand out among the crowd.

Embrace Technology From the Start

Right now, it’s important that any business entering the market is accessible online. Technology use was already on the rise before the pandemic, but it has really taken off since. COVID-19 led to a boom in virtual connections, social media use, and other online tools and services. This makes remote work an ideal setup, so take the steps necessary to create a healthy, balanced workspace in your home.

Whether you carve out space in your bedroom or upgrade a detached garage, a work-from-home solution is an efficient and economical way to get your venture off the ground. Note that outbuildings often need extra TLC before they are livable, so if you choose this solution you may need to start with pest control. Finding a local, qualified pest control pro is easier than ever — simply Google “rodent exterminator near me” and use to filter through customer ratings and reviews, then call a handful of contractors for quotes.

Businesses that start now will need to have an online presence in order to compete in this space. For example, you might want to consider creating a mobile app for your business. If you go this route, remember that your product needs to stand out from the crowd. DIY app builders offer a pretty lackluster product that’s likely to look just like hundreds of other apps out there. Hiring mobile app designers can help you to create an app that has a look, feel, and function that’s unique to your business and brand.

Investigate Market Trends

RetailNext notes that another important step all business owners should take is to investigate the latest market trends. Taking customer needs and desires for granted is never wise, but it’s an even worse move right now. The pandemic has changed so much about our lives that a lot of the assumptions we might make about the market are likely to be off base.

For example, for a while, experts were predicting that primarily shopping online could be here to stay, even after the pandemic threat has passed. However, a recent poll from Morning Brew shows that US adults are just as likely to shop in-person. E-commerce isn’t going away, but it’s not going to take over the market the way some had predicted. Other trends, such as the boost in vegan grocery consumption and increased interest in environmental sustainability should inform and motivate the moves you make as a business.

Start Small

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success is to figure out how to start your business on a small, achievable scale for the immediate term. For example, you might decide to pick up side work as a freelancer for a while or sell handmade goods through an online shop rather than quit your day job or rent a storefront. Smaller moves might not be as exciting, but they offer a lot in terms of experience and stability.

You should also establish your business with the state. This ensures you remain in compliance with necessary tax and labor laws. When choosing a business structure, opting for an LLC can be the ideal choice as a newbie entrepreneur. It’s the easiest entity to set up, and it comes with personal asset protection and tax advantages. To register your LLC, use an affordable online formation service to expedite the process.

When you start small, you give yourself time to figure things out without taking a massive risk right from the jump. This warm-up period will allow you to hone in on a brand image, figure out your workflow, and identify your target audience — all while bringing in some extra income. This puts you in a great position to plan and lay the groundwork for making your idea into a full-time career.

With the right plan, you can create a business that meets post-pandemic needs while standing out from the pack. If starting a business is your next big career move, we hope this article helps you come up with the best techniques to make it happen.

About the author: A few years ago, burned out and miserable from his job in corporate marketing, Lance Cody-Valdez decided it was time to invest in himself. He quit his job the following day and used his meager savings to stay afloat as he built a career as a freelance writer and content marketer. He created to help others use freelancing to escape the 9 to 5 daily grind.

Photo Credit: Pexels

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