Ending COVID-19 Infectious Precautions with the GGRX Prophylaxis and Treatment Protocol

by Wayne L. Iverson, MD. August 24, 2020

After 8 months of having the American public follow specific infectious precautions by government mandate, the various medications, antibiotics and anti-viral therapies have had no impact on ending the COVID-19 infectious precautions. The COVID-19 infectious precautions with face masks, sterilization of public surface areas, social distancing, avoidance of personal contact, the closing of businesses, schools, shopping centers and even church, have pushed the concept of infectious precautions to an extreme level. COVID-19 infections fall into the category of Community Acquired Illness (CAI) and join the list of other Community Acquired Organisms (CAO). Various opinions have been offered as to the virulence and prognosis of COVID-19 as an agent for infection responsible for a CAI.

I believe it is well recognized that some people merely contract COVID-19 and do not manifest an illness. Others have an acute respiratory infection or flu like illness and spontaneously recover with their own body’s defenses. Additionally, others, especially those with uncompensated and debilitating medical conditions such as being immune compromised as a cancer patient on chemotherapy or a patient with COPD on nasal oxygen or CPAP, when infected by any CAO including COVID-19, may progress, have additional complications and die.

In my experience, as a physician who is American Board Certified in Internal Medicine, who practices clinical medicine and actually diagnosis and treats patients with CAI, I have had a chance to form a considered opinion about COVID-19. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most severe, I would rate COVID-19 as 6 and a moderately severe case of Influenza as 8. As such, healthy patients with medically compensated conditions who manifest an illness from COVID-19 recover as usual for a CAI. Patients who have an uncompensated and debilitating medical condition may not recover from COVID-19 or any other CAO.

Recent and current government mandated infectious precautions have produced an unprecedented economic loss and multifaceted hardship on the American public. These mandates have caused the loss of tax payers’ dollars from congressionally approved programs, the loss of income of working people, the loss of business revenue from closures, the loss of new tax dollars from a stable economy, and the loss of best practices in school education. The American public has developed extreme worries and concerns to the point of being germaphobic and feeling like they are being forced to live in a bubble. These negative economic factors and hardships can be remedied by ending COVID-19 infectious precautions with the GGRX Prophylaxis and Treatment Protocol.

This article outlines a return to normality in American day to day activities with the GGRX Prophylaxis and Treatment Protocol. This Protocol allows Federal, State and local governments to discontinue all government mandates related to infectious precautions with COVID-19 and return any related policies and procedures to the local physicians, hospitals and medical community. The government mandated infectious precautions have been unduly extreme to the point of forcing every healthy person, including those who have immunity from COVID-19, in every venue, to highest level of Infectious Precautions donning extensive garb in the mode relegated to Reverse Isolation. The Standard Infectious Precautions that were in place in 2019 can be resumed and COVID-19 can be dealt with in the same manner as Influenza or any other CAO.

Gamma Globulin (GG) has been an FDA approved treatment for years for various types of infections and conditions. Its use for COVID-19 would be designated off label, but for 2020 any medication, antibiotic or anti-viral treatment for COVID-19 would be designated off label as well. GG has been used successfully for decades as prophylaxis and treatment of Infectious Hepatitis Type A. 

The theory of how GG works is that it contains immunoglobulin antibodies which boost a patient’s immunity against disease. Reports on GG effectiveness for Hepatitis A infections have been as high as 85-95% and is considered a safe therapy. Although GG has not been aggressively promoted as a therapy for COVID-19, this lack of recognition, in my opinion, is due to logistics and misconceptions and should not be a barrier for using GG to combat COVID-19 and mitigate government mandates at this time. 

AP News on August 11, 2020 published a report that the governor of Oklahoma and others are donating plasma to COVID-19 patients to help them recover. Johns Hopkins University of Medicine has tallied and published in the Wall Street Journal vast numbers of Americans deemed to be COVID-19 cases and it is generally believed that the number of such individuals is actually higher. That being the case, there should be vast numbers of people who have antibodies against COVID-19 and the harvesting and production of fresh GG in the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2020 may be especially effective in treating COVID-19. This latter conclusion alone could very well have been one reason GG usefulness was not recognized earlier this year.

The Gamma Globulin Prophylaxis and Treatment Protocol (GGRX Protocol) I am suggesting is as follows: 

1) Return America to normality and end government mandated infectious precautions. 

2) Local Physicians, Hospitals and Medical Facilities, resume their prior 2019 Standard Infectious Precautions for community acquired illnesses (CAI) and community acquired organisms (CAO), and handle COVID-19 as any other CAO. 

3) Healthy individuals (including individuals who have compensated medical conditions) should resume life as normal. This means, go back to work, school, sporting events, church and the like as they did in 2019. 

4) If a healthy individual is going to a location or a venue considered high risk for COVID-19, he or she could elect to receive a GG injection prior to entry. 

5) If a person becomes ill with a COVID-19 infection, he or she can elect to have a GG injection as adjunctive treatment. This individual could receive his or her physician’s usual therapy for a CAI. 

6) In people who have been ill with COVID-19 or any CAO, 24 hours after recovery (feeling better and having no fever) they can elect to resume all of their usual daily activities. 

7) GG injections may be used in conjunction with COVID-19 vaccine in the same manner as Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) with this objective factored in by the pharmaceutical companies manufacturing the vaccine. 

8) Ordering COVID-19 Screening Tests and COVID-19 Antibody Tests should only be performed by physicians on specific patients under their medical care and be obtained with the consent of the patient. These tests may be used to help guide treatment protocol.

In summary, the GGRX Protocol is designed to provide an additional treatment option in the fight against COVID-19. The use of Gama Globulin outlined in this Protocol is one which physicians and their patients should decide if it is advisable and should be used on a case by case basis. Additionally, the GGRX Protocol provides an end to government mandated infectious precautions which have been so disruptive to the economy, Americans’ livelihood and their freedom to enjoy their daily activities.

Wayne L. Iverson, MD is a Physician in Winchester, KY and a Former Candidate for Congress 2012 CA District 52 Media Contact: Wayne Iverson (858) 204-8701 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4197 Winchester, KY 40392 Email: wayneiverson2012@gmail.com. This article may be freely republished with acknowledgement of the author.