America Out Loud Pulse: Woke Antisemitism and the Response to Hamas Attack

From my America Out Loud Pulse podcast: Woke Antisemitism and the Response to Hamas Attack with David L. Bernstein –

Over the years, racist and other hate mongers faded from sight. Some saw the error of their ways, while others hid in the closet.  The recent rise in antisemitism in America is the canary in the coal mine for the growing acceptance of overt contempt for people who are not like you. They say courage is contagious – but so is contempt.

The war in Israel and the loss of many lives, including Americans, brings the end result of unbridled hatred to our front doors. The Chicago Black Lives Matter organization posted a since-deleted graphic seemingly celebrating Hamas’ slaughter of Israelis. Stanford, Columbia, and Harvard (among others) students cheered and clapped for Hamas and displayed signs of support from their dormitory windows.  Note, they were cheering for Hamas, a terrorist organization – not the residents of Gaza. (The U.S. State Department has designated Hamas a terrorist group in 1997. The European Union and other Western countries also consider it a terrorist organization.) It is the everyday residents who will suffer for the decision of their leadership to perform act inhumane barbarism against civilians in the name of seeking autonomy. Sadly, according to Hamas’ Charter, autonomy can only come by wiping Israel off the face of the Earth.

This divisive mindset is being fostered in all aspects of American life – all under the banner of equity. California’s Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law the Ebony alert – an Amber alert just for black women and children.  This is supposed to get more media attention but it just serves to divide us into separate groups.  But that’s the plan. Ever heard of divide and conquer?? It is an age-old tool of tyrants. We cannot let the dangerous path of modern day wokeism that fosters group biases continue to its logical end: a country perhaps irreparably divided.

Today (October 13th)  is the worldwide day of jihad – let’s hope that violence does not come to fruition. My guest has discussed on this show how the current “woke” movement is a breeding ground to antisemitism. We will discuss this in light of the current Middle East conflict.


David L. Bernstein is the founder of the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values (JILV). The Institute supports viewpoint diversity, counters woke ideology in the Jewish community, and opposes novel forms of antisemitism emerging from woke ideology. He served as president and CEO of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, a national umbrella for local Jewish advocacy. His recent book is Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews.

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