America Out Loud PULSE: The Truth About Human Trafficking

From my  America Out Loud Pulse podcast with Malyneath Vong:

The government has listed as public health problems an increasing number of social issues—from gentrification to higher education. While public health officials are caterwauling about monkeypox, they are strangely silent about the pandemic of human trafficking. This rapidly growing business amasses billions of dollars for the perpetrators and ruins the lives of thousands of our fellow Americans.

In the wake of the revelations about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and their high-end customers, discussion of human trafficking should have been front and center. Instead, to protect these power-broker perverts the airwaves are silent on the issue. Moreover, in the current Administration’s effort to downplay the immigration crisis at our Southern border, the media have pushed the mute button on the human trafficking aspect of illegal immigration.

The CIA estimates that over 50,000 people are being trafficked into the United States alone every year and slave-trade activity has been prosecuted in 91 cities across the United States and in nearly every state in the nation.

Anyone can be a trafficker – even other children or a child’s own parents. Anyone can be a victim: rich, poor, any race, color, national origin but Native Americans are a particular target. Victims are not only turned into sex slaves in massage parlors or pornography, they are found in agriculture, factories, restaurants, hotels, and domestic service.

We will not be silent about this tragedy today.

National Human Trafficking hotline – 1-888-373-7888.

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