America Out Loud PULSE: Inside “Killing America” – Fighting Antisemitism in Our Schools

From my America Out Loud Pulse podcast with Diana Blum, MD –

The rising antisemitism in America didn’t start on October 7th. There have always been pockets of either white supremacists or just plain envious persons who hate those who have what they don’t have. In many cases, the successful person happens to be Jewish. These days, the disturbing part is the hatred exhibited by ordinary students. Many of those involved in the pro-Palestinian protests have no idea of the history of the Middle East or Israel. It’s one thing to be “pro-Palestinian” believing that the Palestinians deserve their own country. It’s another to equate favoring Palestinian statehood with hating Jews for the mere fact that they are Jewish.

U.C. Santa Cruz students want to eliminate Jewish groups on campus. UCLA students are preventing Jewish students from entering certain buildings. Jewish students fear for their safety as some of the protests have included physical altercations. For their protection, U.S.C. is having a separate Jewish graduation. In a way, this feeds the hate. It forced Jews into a graduation ghetto.

The admonition to “Never forget” the Holocaust has fallen on deaf ears. Today’s education is so biased these days that I wonder whether the Holocaust is given its historical due. Some students don’t believe it happened despite evidence to the contrary. Some people believe that no one could willingly treat their fellow human beings so horribly. Believe it. It happened. And the mentality that brought on the extermination of over 6 million Jews is brewing on today’s college campuses.

The relentless teaching of the so-called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) has infected our student’s brains. It is an odd combination of teaching students about our racial and ethnic differences to the exclusion of emphasizing that those differences are miniscule compared to how much we are alike as fellow human beings. We are individuals who can think for ourselves. In reality, we look at others not members of a racial group, but as individuals with their own personality traits.

Today, I’m talking with a physician who was instrumental in bringing this student antisemitism to the forefront.


Dr. Diana Blum is a board-certified neurologist who completed her medical school training at the University of Chicago, Pritzker school of Medicine and her Neurology Residency training at Stanford University Medical Center. She is currently in private practice in Silicon Valley, California where she focuses on the chronic management of patients with Parkinson’s Disease. When not practicing clinical medicine, Dr. Blum is a fierce patient and physician advocate, defending Hippocratic oath medicine and the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship through education and activism.

“Killing America,” can be streamed at:

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