A Friend of Freedom: Taking a Rest

Amidst the daily challenges of today, it is very important and necessary to find nourishment. Many find respite in living in one’s faith, and in God’s living creation: nature and animals. God also touches us through classical or traditional artistry.  

The examples below give back in refreshment, through a few moments of quiet artistry of nature as in a Japanese Haiku or “poetry in motion.” Inspiring to transform or rather restore utilitarian parts of our life into living, caring, artistic infusions that not only feed our body by touches the soul with deeper appreciation of life and nature and neighbor.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxIZodWQWpM   The best gift for woman——The rose paste of Damascus.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oi38cQMORQY    The life of cucumbers黄瓜的一生.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qza1Jz2g8FQ    The Scholars’ four jewels of China.

There is more to life than Covid.

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